The Swiss Special


The Rosti

     2lbs (roughly 4) white potatoes

     2 tsps butter

     1 large onion, chopped

     2 garlic cloves, minced

     Salt, pepper, garlic salt to taste


Boil water. Once boiling add all potatoes (whole) and let boil for 5-7 min, or until slightly soft on outside.

Remove from boiling water, let cool.

Sautee onions and garlic in pan you are going to bake rosti in.

Once potatoes cooled, shred them into bowl. Mix onion and garlic mix, add butter and seasonings.

Transfer mix into pan you will bake rosti in ( I use cast iron frying pan)

Place in over around 325 for 20-30 min or until potatoes brown at the top.


Spiraled Butternut Squash Casserole

     2 frozen bags of spiralized butternut squash (24 Oz)

     ¼ cup breadcrumbs

     1.5 cups cashews

     ½ cup nutritional yeast

     ½ cup water

     ½-1 cup soy milk

     1-2 tsp garlic salt


Defrost butternut squash

While defrosting, make cashew sauce. Place cashews in food processor and grind until fully broken up.

Place cashews in blender and add nutritional yeast, water, soy milk, and garlic salt.

Sauce should be of milkshake consistency (a little more runny)

Add more water or soy milk if not.

Taste and add more garlic salt if needed.

Combine cashew sauce and butternut squash in casserole dish. Sprinkle breadcrumbs over top. Place in oven at 350 (uncovered) for 20 min or until brown. Serve!


Egg Salad

     12 hardboiled eggs

     2 tbsp Dijon mustard

     3 tbsp relish (make sure no high fructose corn syrup)

     ½ to ¾ cup plain Greek yogurt

     Salt and pepper to taste


Boil eggs- let cool

Once cooled, peel eggs and add all ingredients together

Mash and taste- add more or less ingredients to liking


Easy Baked Veggies

3 cups brussel sprouts, cut in half

6 carrots, cut in thirds long ways    


Cut Brussel Sprouts and carrots

Place on sheet pan

Drizzle oil over


Place in oven on 375 for 20 min

Remove when at desired consistency