Nothing Bad Added
Nothing Bad Added. Practice this. Focus on the good. No negative thoughts, negative people, harmful food, harmful beverages—nothing bad added. When we focus on the positive and the good, we become positive and good or like our Mom always told us, you are what you eat.
When we ingest the good, we feel good. It seems like a fairly simple concept but it is hard to practice in the world we live in. This is how I try and practice this everyday:
1. I wake up every morning with a positive outlook on the day. No matter what it is about to throw at me.
2. In my morning routine, I do things that set me up right for the day, water, workout, coffee, personal me time (reading, researching, attempting yoga)
3. I walk out the door with a smile. I set my priorities for the day and make sure I knock them out. I roll with the punches, unless it is something I vehemently am against. Pick your battles people. To include with those you love. My aunt once told me why waste time being mad at someone you love when you have such limited time on this earth.
4. Remind yourself you don’t need all the newest clothes, and gadgets. Spend your money and time on experiences.
5. POP it! Pull out the positive in every situation. When things get stressful or bad, verbalize this mantra, “POP it”, and see what good you can take out of the situation.
6. Fuel the body properly, but allow yourself to still enjoy the goodness in life (90% good food, 10% soul food)
Let me sum it up: think of what you would bring if you were going on a camping trip. What do you really need to fuel the body and enjoy nature? Very little. Bring it down a notch, focus on what is important to you, focus on positivity and healthy eating and things will fall into place.
Want to learn more about a whole foods, plant based diet, and how to treat your body and brain better? Send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram and I can help set you up for success. 6 months of Nothing Bad Added will create lasting habit changes beyond what any fad diet can provide!